brochure event
Saturday, Nov 9, 2024 | 17:00  

Jakarta Festival Chorus presents

Messa di Gloria

Vincent Wiguna, conductor
Oswin Wilke, tenor
Kadek Ananda, baritone
Fonny Kartini Hartono, piano

November 2024 marks the centenary of Giacomo Puccini's death, and the world is celebrating!

Jakarta Festival Chorus finds it utterly honoring to be part of this celebration, hence the upcoming concert on November 9, 2024: Puccini's Messa di Gloria.

Although a mass, this is not the kind you would expect to hear in a Sunday service, but rather a piece that would leave you wondering: is this an operatic mass or a sacred opera?

That said, reserve your seat while it lasts.

Concert Program

     · PUCCINI Messa di Gloria
     · Other choral works


More Information

  • How to get to ASJ | Click here
  • Door open at 4.30 pm


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